


The girls are chased through the trees and streets of London. Gash Theatre Gets Ghosted is an immersive theatrical film set in an apartment that’s been possessed – ​Poltergeist ​style – by the ghost of pop-cultural masculinities. The GASH gals find themselves stuck, forced to encounter chit-chatting desk lamps, harmonising closet drawers, a TV that plays nothing but rom-coms, a werewolf singing classic rock, and waaaay too many ​Rick and Morty references. In this macho macho world, they grapple with romance, bisexuality, their fears of men, and how they’ll connect with other people once they finally escape.

Gash Theatre Gets Ghosted is an immersive theatrical film set in an apartment that’s been possessed – Poltergeist style – by the ghost of pop-cultural masculinities. The GASH gals find themselves stuck, forced to encounter chit-chatting desk lamps, harmonising closet drawers, a TV that plays nothing but rom-coms, a werewolf singing classic rock, and waaaay too many Rick and Morty references. In this macho macho world, they grapple with romance, bisexuality, their fears of men, and how they’ll connect with other people once they finally escape.



They're here, they're queer, they've got a hand up their rear... it's COMFY! When you just want to be your best fluffiest self, gender can feel like something that happens to you instead of part of your identity. Comfy stands for questioning gender, rejecting expectations, and loving the fuzz you're in!! Remember, kids, you can't violate norms if you reject their existence!!!!

Talking Cat Productions is the brain-and-lovechild of Sam Kaseta and Morgan Young.

Check out Comfy’s original album here!


Fanny and the Vulvas

Fanny and the Vulvas, lyrics by Morgan Young, produced by Talking Cat Productions

READ OUR LIPS! We're Fanny and the Vulvas!

Jammin' genitals fighting for sexual health and body positivity, one song and dance at a time. Sex education can be intimidating or uncomfortable, but everyone deserves to understand and appreciate their body! Our mission is sex education that's gender neutral and fun for all ages. We hope you laugh as much as you learn watching this and future installments of Fanny and the Vulvas!!